Next, We Brew Warmer Robots


Steve Walker Warsaw May 9, 2024

The Inevitable

In the vast landscape of human progress, the notion of creating beings akin to ourselves has persisted across civilizations and epochs. From ancient mythologies to modern advancements, the desire to replicate human qualities in machines reflects our innate pursuit of innovation and improvement.

Throughout the annals of history, humanity has continually pushed the boundaries of possibility, seeking to transcend limitations and expand the horizons of what is achievable. From the earliest tools to the latest technological marvels, each innovation has propelled us forward on our journey of discovery.

As we stand at the threshold of a new era, the emergence of warmer robots marks a significant milestone in our technological evolution. These robots, endowed with warmth, intelligence, and empathy, offer a glimpse into a future where machines seamlessly integrate into our lives, enriching our experiences and enhancing our capabilities.

But what if warmer robots represent more than just a feat of engineering? What if they hold the key to addressing some of humanity’s most pressing challenges, from healthcare to social cohesion to environmental sustainability?

A Harmony of Three

Amidst the dissolution of conventional boundaries and the fusion of industries, three distinct realms find themselves on the cusp of convergence, heralding a profound shift in our reality. Leading the charge is Artificial Intelligence (AI), an ever-present force seamlessly interwoven into our daily lives, revolutionising efficiency and spurring innovation across both professional and leisure domains.

Near behind is Gene Editing (GE), epitomised by the revolutionary CRISPR technology, lauded for its pivotal role in driving transformative medical breakthroughs amidst a global pandemic, ranging from RNA vaccines to pioneering genome research.

Finally, we encounter Targeted Microbial Fermentation (TMF), a quietly potent force propelled into uncharted territories of capability by the advancements in AI and CRISPR, including gene manipulation facilitated by tools like CRISPR, offering unparalleled avenues for scientific exploration and advancement.

This collision of industries marks the inception of a new epoch, where the lines between technology, biology, and medicine blur to reveal unprecedented opportunities. AI, with its computational prowess and adaptive learning capabilities, has redefined the landscape of innovation, unlocking realms once deemed unattainable. CRISPR, with its precision gene-editing mechanisms, has unravelled the complexities of the human genome, paving the way for personalized medicine and genetic therapies.

Leveraging Direct Air Capture (DAC) for Targeted Microbial Fermentation

Harnessing PEGASUS: Revolutionizing Carbon Recycling with TITAN and ASMARA

In the ongoing battle against climate change, innovative solutions are essential to combat the rising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Enter PEGASUS, a groundbreaking plugin on the TITAN and ASMARA platforms, poised to revolutionise carbon recycling and waste valorisation on a single integrated platform. Let’s delve into the formula for success behind this transformative technology.

TITAN: A Pillar of Sustainability in Rural Landscapes

In rural landscapes, TITAN stands tall as a beacon of sustainability, leveraging forest and agricultural residues to produce hydrogen-producers’ gas. This gas not only powers TITAN’s base-load electricity production but also serves as the feedstock necessary to ferment a diverse array of targeted outcomes through microbial fermentation. By harnessing the abundant resources of rural areas, TITAN drives economic growth while minimising environmental impact.

ASMARA: Transforming Urban Environments

Meanwhile, in urban landscapes, ASMARA takes center stage, converting municipal solid waste (MSW) into hydrogen producer gas. This gas fuels ASMARA’s operations and provides the essential feedstock for microbial fermentation, turning urban waste into valuable resources. ASMARA’s presence in urban areas addresses the pressing need for sustainable waste management solutions, reducing landfill usage and promoting circular economy principles.

The Role of DAC: A Crucial Component in Carbon Neutrality

In the face of escalating CO2 emissions, Direct Air Capture (DAC) emerges as an indispensable technology. DAC removes CO2 directly from the atmosphere, offering a pathway to carbon neutrality and climate stabilization. As the world grapples with the inevitability of DAC adoption, the integration of PEGASUS on the TITAN and ASMARA platforms reinforces the platform’s commitment to carbon recycling and waste valorization.

Syngas Project Pioneering Solutions for a Healthier Future

 Mr Hyde

We asked AI no. 5: “What Alternative Markets?”

Could the TITAN Platform’s versatility confront insulin injustice by increasing availability and lowering cost?

As we finalise the design for TITAN’s cutting-edge ethanol production, our focus extends beyond conventional energy solutions towards pioneering advancements in healthcare. With the potential to revolutionise the production of insulin, TITAN embodies a vision of innovation that transcends traditional boundaries.

The decision to explore insulin production stems from the alarming rise of diabetes, particularly in the United States and Europe. Diabetes has become an epidemic, with its prevalence mirroring the exponential growth of obesity rates. In the U.S. alone, nearly 10 per cent of the population suffers from diabetes, while another 12 per cent are at high risk due to factors like obesity.

This epidemic imposes significant financial and human costs, with healthcare expenditures related to diabetes reaching billions annually. Moreover, poorly managed diabetes leads to severe complications such as kidney disease, heart disease, and blindness, further exacerbating the crisis.

Why we need be concerned for LOT, not CPK

Rafał M. Socha

Friday 26 January, Warsaw Poland.

Syngas Project has been at the forefront of innovation with the development of the TITAN platform in Poland for almost a decade; specifically tailored for the production of 2nd generation ethanol (2G EtOH), a vital intermediary for fuelling Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) refineries.

Despite the urgency of the situation, the groundbreaking TITAN platform finds itself still sitting on the sidelines, facing the challenge of not yet finalising the allocation of funding required to propel it through the final leg of the EPC tender. This step is crucial in making TITAN investment-ready and leading to groundbreaking, initiating a 25-year-plus construction roll-out. The financial hurdle currently faced by the project puts it in a state of uncertainty, which is particularly frustrating given the imminent 2% EU Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) mandate scheduled for next year and the daunting 20% EU SAF mandate for 2030 looming on the horizon. TITAN’s potential to revolutionise SAF production in Poland and contribute to meeting these mandates makes the need for support and the release of funding even more pressing.

As the destiny of CPK teeters on the brink, the imperative to address LOT’s Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) requirements becomes increasingly urgent. With each passing moment of delay, the pressure mounts on an already precarious situation, akin to an inflated balloon atop the proposed 46 billion Euro bill for CPK. Time is of the essence, and failure to swiftly meet LOT’s SAF needs jeopardises not only the realisation of CPK’s vision but also risks losing an airline and leaving behind a significant financial burden. Swift action is essential to avert this outcome and ensure the sustainable future of aviation in Poland.

Unlocking the Future: Syngas Project’s TITAN and the Evolution of Sustainable Bioeconomy

Steve Walker Warsaw 27:11:2023

In the heart of Poland, Syngas Project, in collaboration with technical partners and innovators, is embarking on a groundbreaking journey, tendering the first of twelve TITAN installations poised to revolutionize the utilization of forest waste. This endeavour is not just about energy production but the orchestration of a holistic supply chain, strategically designed to yield more than 500,000 litres per day of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and Biodiesel through the Alcohol-to-Jet (ATJ) pathway. The vision extends beyond conventional paradigms, with a keen focus on next-generation outcomes propelled by cutting-edge technologies like CRISPR.

In April 2023, the European Union approved the ReFuelEU Aviation proposal which imposes blending mandates on synthetic fuels for aviation, increasing from 0.7% in 2030 to 28% in 2050.

Setting the Stage: TITAN’s Forest Waste Transformation

TITAN, the cornerstone of Syngas Project’s innovative portfolio, is not merely a waste-to-energy solution; it is a catalyst for systemic change. The first twelve TITAN installations are strategically positioned to convert forest waste, addressing the environmental challenge of residues from clear-cut logging activities. By harnessing this otherwise underutilized resource, TITAN is poised to deliver a daily output of 2nd generation ethanol (2G EtOH), laying the foundation for a sustainable supply chain.

Supply Chain Dynamics: From Forest Waste to SAF and Biodiesel

The supply chain orchestrated by Syngas Project and its technical partners is a symphony of efficiency and sustainability. As TITAN transforms forest waste into 2G EtOH, this high-value bioethanol becomes a precursor for the production of SAF and Biodiesel. The Alcohol-to-Jet pathway, a proven and eco-friendly method, unlocks the potential to cater to the aviation industry’s growing demand for sustainable alternatives. The envisioned daily output of more than 500,000 litres is a testament to the scalability and impact of TITAN in shaping the renewable energy landscape.

Beyond Conventional Boundaries: CRISPR and Next-Generation Outcomes

In the quest for sustainability, Syngas Project’s technical partners and innovators stand at the forefront of innovation, utilizing advanced tools like CRISPR to engineer microbes for multiple high-yield outcomes. Bacteria, yeast, and other microorganisms, traditionally associated with specific functions, are now being reprogrammed to serve a broader purpose. This groundbreaking approach allows for the customization of microbial behavior, opening avenues for the production of not only fuels but also chemicals and polymers.

How Dark Hydrogen became the New Green

The “new green hydrogen” is “dark bio-hydrogen”, so called after the dark fermentation bio-manufacturing process which creates it green because its manufacture and existence are entirely organic, renewable and waterless. 

We choose to go to the moon JFK 1962 Moonshot Speech
60 years on from JFK moonshot speech

One small step ahead of carbon capture and storage CCS replacing it instead with capture and transformation CCT, thus taking the capture and recycling of waste carbon to the next level is a giant leap for mankind. 60 years on from JFK’s moonshot speech and on its anniversary Joe Biden announced the cure for cancer is the new moonshot and its through bio-technology transformation that will get us there.

TITAN and ASMARA incorporate two technologies on one platform, waste to hydrogen producer gas + microbial fermentation to manufacture fuel, chemical and material products. CCT is a well-proven process for recycling both the carbon at the smoke stack, in the waste we produce and in the waste we throw away as it is for the carbon we have already produced. We are presented with a truly value-added proposition because recycling the carbon we already have obviates the need to dig up more carbon. Through converting solid waste into producer’s gas and CCT emission technology to recycle carbon in the producer’s gas through, microbial fermentation, we can reproduce all of the products we currently manufacture from oil and gas, where the likes of transport fuels, plastics and fertilisers are produced with far less environmental impact. In manufacturing, this great array of products as an added bonus, large quantities of waterless green hydrogen is recovered as a byproduct.        

Dark bio-hydrogen presents a disruptive edge to the idea of hydrogen as an energy carrier because it does not burden our ever-depleting water supply, instead, hydrogen is recovered from changing the state of organic feedstock through a proprietary, bio-manufacturing process where carbon-rich waste biomass or bio-waste is transformed from solid state to a gaseous state and as a feedstock for fermentation.  

Syngas Projects TITAN and ASMARA: “Primed for Carbon Capture Integration”

Warsaw 6 October 2023

In the dynamic landscape of waste transformation, TITAN and ASMARA emerge as adaptive forward-compatible platforms proficient in converting solid waste into producers’ gas, and from hydrogen producers’ gas via microbial fermentation into new and better fuels, chemicals and materials. In a realm where innovation meets sustainability, these platforms unfold a compelling narrative ideal springboards within the realm of Carbon Circular Recycling (CCR).

Future-Proofing for CO2 Integration and Direct Air Capture: A Forward-Thinking Move?

Syngas Project strategically future-proofed TITAN and ASMARA to not only accommodate the intake of third-party CO2 waste from carbon capture devices but also kick-start direct air capture initiatives for CCR. Designed as forward-looking models, these platforms seamlessly integrate with the needs of future carbon capture entrepreneurs, ensuring adaptability for evolving technologies.

“The value proposition for the Direct Air Capture Project is, assured low-cost renewable electricity on demand in addition to an assured long-term off-taker agreement for Co2. For Syngas Projects platforms it’s a valuable and reliable source of CO2 for conversion into new fuels, chemicals and materials.”